Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I love days like this!

I love days like this, the kids are playing in front of the door with cars and amazingly not fighting, Andrew is still napping. The windows are open and there is a nice breeze blowing. Its days like this that I realize that the simple things in life are what is really important.Sarah took a nap today for the first time in more than a week. I told her that the reason they call it nap time is because you take a nap,  maybe she actually listened this time.  I've gotten a lot done today, everyone is for the most part getting along. I did some sewing and worked on my quilt, sorted through pears and got out the bad ones, swept the front porch, did laundry, folded laundry,did dishes, vaccumed, did about a half hour of preschool with Sarah. Probley seems boring to most people but it was a great day for me. I love spending time with my kids, most days anyway when I'm not having to referee. Well I need to get busy, Taco Omlettes for supper tonight :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Just thought I'd say hello! This blog is really just for me to talk about everyday life, to have a place to vent after a rough day with three little ones 3 and under, and to talk about some ideas and thoughts of mine. I may be a little more old fashioned than most, and I know that my views aren't the same as others. Hope you enjoy and find encouragement in my blog.